Look at that car on MSN!
My, my, look what we have - it's that rare red car on the front page!
We had some awesome thunderstorms last week and over the weekend, didn't you think? The storms knocked out some power lines last Thursday giving the "Nationals" participants an extra chance to show their cars off in the hotness of a traffic jam.
I love standing outside when the rain is just about to come. Those moments when the thunder and lightning is in the distance and the wind picks up show us how intense and amazing nature really is.
Last night, I stood outside watching the sky light up again and again - as if someone were setting off fireworks from above. Most wonderful...
This weekend was composed of tales from the past and wonderment - it ended with thunder and blues. I couldn't have asked for better.
On another note, I forgot to register for class next semester. I hope it's not too late! This will be class 3 of 3, programming.
More soon - I haven't forgotten that I owe you some pictures of my balloon chasing and such...
Hey, we just saw one of those! And for nearly $200,000 you can own one as well.
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