Well, then. This is FOR YOU. To have ;)

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

American Idol and Bread Making ways

So, tonight I had to go to PetCo - I go there exclusively to buy cat litter these days - they have this great deal where you refill the same container again and again. I think it's great, less plastic to throw away - and it's cheaper!
ANYWAY, so I was out, so I decided to go to my dad's house to drop off his car charger - he let me borrow it when my car was having all this trouble with power before I replaced a bunch of stuff in it and it's kind of better now (ha) ok - well, my dad was watching American Idol. I've never seen this show before! Found out tonight that it's probably been on for 5 years :) From what I saw the show is really funny - it's basically an audition right - for singers (ooooh Kelly Clarkson) - and the judges are staring at the singer in the same room, making them seemingly as uncomfortable as possible. The girl that I saw on there - I felt sooo sorry for her. She was just standing there pouring her heart out into this song - progressively getting worse, let's face it, she was awful, but they had no remorse! They were terrible to her! I guess this is standard behavior though, from what my dad was telling me.

Oh well. :) That's TV! I swear someday I will take a day off of work and watch cable TV and relax (ok, maybe go out for a while too, but that's ok) - now that would be cool.

Tonight I also made some bread which smells really good, but I haven't tried it yet. I was making a salad last night and had bits of brocolli, onion, and tomato left over. So, I cut them all up and put them into a container, thinking that I would put them in this bread today, so I did - who knows - it may be the best bread ever, or the worst bread ever - actually, it could even be up for debate if I weren't the only one eating it! Hey, if there wasn't experimentation, we wouldn't have a lot of the things that we do now!

I'll give an update if it's fantastic.

Who would have thought to mix eggs, sugar and flour with a crushed cocoa bean to make cake? EXACTLY.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Life changes

I just got off the phone with a friend of mine that I used to visit constantly when I was in middle school and high school - I haven't seen her in 3 years, when I attended her wedding! She is going to have a baby!

I can't believe how much things change (and how quickly they seem to). This is very exiciting!! I'm invited to a baby shower :)

To he who created cappuccino

I kiss you! :) hahaha - cappuccinos are heavenly - I'm getting very good at making them in my new cappuccino maker!! Better than Dunkin' Donuts - it's true!

Monday, January 23, 2006

Not quite

I had more, but no. All dreadfully BORING! This may be too, but here it is :)

The short of it is - I'm really looking forward to Wednesday when I get to take CooCoo to see Pierre (a little break from the norm, no?) and to this next weekend when I will not be working and hopefully snowshoeing! I am kind of glad that it is snowing but not at the same time - it's been kind of that in between weather lately. It'll be nice if we actually get enough snow to go out and have some fun with.

Last night I discovered television - the Home and Garden network - haha - that show is great! I feel like a dork saying it, but I just love watching the new appliances that they have and how people fix up their houses. Very cool.

That's all for now - I'm exhausted - I'll write more later!

Thursday, January 19, 2006


I really like going to Subway - and at work we pretty much go on Thursdays every week, or so... but I think I may have to stop going there if the madness continues...
All of the women behind the counter know me as the "indecisive one" - which I normally am - I mean, they give you so many choices (bread is the easiest, wheat, of course, unless I'm feeling daring - then there is a decision, sub of the day, no (Thursday is BMT), ok, well turkey - no you had that last week, roast beef, no - too fatty, tuna - might has well have that at home another time... veggie patty, ya that's good...) Once I've decided that I certainly have to decide now whether I would like the sandwich toasted and what kind of cheese (cheese is not that bad - everyone knows the mostly good kind is provolone or american, at subway anyway - it's only at the supermarket, this option changes).
The thing is though, I've pretty much got it down at subway now, I know what I want - but they still think that I am the indecisive one - don't get me wrong - they used to give me the standard only 6 olives per sandwich and the dab of lettuce, but now - no, no, no - if I ask for double spinach, that is what I get - hot peppers, "Of course sweetheart!" I get what I ask for now - that's great right?
Eh, I guess it's fun to go there - today of course, a girl behind the counter asks Mr. Furious - "So, have you ever been to Burger King with her?" - I say, "I generally don't go to Burger King - I wouldn't know what to get" and wouldn't you know it - the woman behind me in line says "Watch it - we have choices too you know" and she opens her coat to reveal the Burger King logo - guess I have to go try it out over there sometimes. She did say it was ok for me to go to Subway most of the time though..

Not to ramble on about food again, or anything :)

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

G-mail Deletes!

I just found out that Google is launching a change - the Delete button will be right on top of the page when you are viewing your mail, so you can easily delete the messages that you really don't want!
View Info Here

This will be great! I mean I know the whole idea of gmail is that you will not have to delete anything ever, but what if you want to - for clarity's sake? I thought this was a flaw before (nothing was ever really gone, even those spam messages asking me if I want enhancing hormones), glad they are making it easier to delete stuff :) I haven't seen the new button yet, but am waiting with anticipation.

Random thoughts & kitty hairdo

Chex with cinnamon may be my new oatmeal - I've been eating oatmeal every week day for months now (I've liked it so much recently that I asked for and received oatmeal for Christmas).
Cold coffee in the afternoon is not that bad unless poured after 10am that day (I haven't tried coffee from different days - yet).
Hostess Fruit & Grain Cereal Bars are a little piece of heaven.
Sometimes things just "click".
Still, EVERYTHING that isn't a fact is a matter of perspective. In fact, facts might be as we interpret them too...

On another note:
I made an appt for the most famous Princess CooCoo at Pierres Country House of Grooming (aka Princess Hair Dressing Salon) for next Wednesday. Very exciting.
I am going to bring Pierre the picture that I took the last visit!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Empire Apple

Just ate an an empire apple - I can tell that they aren't in season because it wasn't as crisp as they had been in the fall. I might be making an apple pie with this season's apples :-p

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Bright Sun

The sun is extra bright today (like summer) - and it is supposed to be over 40 degrees all week! Is it January?

Monday, January 09, 2006

Strange Weather and Birds

It was over 40 degrees in Syracuse today and there were flocks (literally) of birds outside our office today. They were like a million tiny ornaments covering the lawn - each one searching for and eating worms!
Also, before the day was through the birds decorated my car...

Worms for PS2

Has anyone ever played this game: "PS2 Worms Forts Under Siege"? Looks interesting!
I love "Worms 3D" - I wonder if this is similar.

After Holiday Notes

Lets see if I'll actually be able to post this blog entry - I've blogged two other times since my last post and have lost them before I was able to post (first time my computer rebooted randomly, the second time it was due to automatic updates that I setup that will automatically reboot my computer as needed [no picking - eh who cares about data, right?]).

Anyway, I thought since it's been so long since I've blogged and I'm out of school early tonight, have my grandmother's fruit cake in front of me, and a cup of coffee I'd make a list of December - Jan (aka, holidays - 2005) things to remember, recall, some - maybe - I'll want to forget after writing:

Enjoying the first snowfall on a day off
First Beaver Lake walk of the winter - with no snowshoes (because there was not enough snow) and awesome brownies near a fire while a young woman read a Christmas story to a few small children
Worrying about Christmas presents - what to buy!
Going out to the shops at Waterloo with one of my best friends and spending all day there buying "Christmas Presents"
Buying wine afterwards at Montezuma wintery which too much of would be consumed later in the evening
Falling down my friend's stairs during the Christmas party later that evening :)
Cozily watching Christmas Story for the first time with full attention
Putting up a tree, wrapping Christmas presents, making a cake for Grandpa's birthday (I make a cake for him every year)
Having dinner at Grandma's house & blueberry pie
Guitar Hero
Cappuccinos at home - that's RIGHT!
Dinner at my house - Lasagna - baby sister running laps - living room, dining room, breakfast room, living room, dining room...while my dad, brother, boyfriend and I got dizzy watching
DDR for Christmas!
Tons of Excellent food - I sure do love those Christmas cookies
Swimming at the gym during the day over vacation!
Start of Star Wars Education - only one movie left now (haha all you guys had to wait a long time for it - I get to watch them right one after another)!
After hours at my house - yay :)
Sleeping in
Quilting with Grandma
Damaging my friends scarf and worrying about it for days until I told her about it :(
A New Years Party to die for at the Sheraton on SU hill.

This last year has been excellent. I couldn't ask for better friends and family that make it great. I can only hope that there will be many more events to post about in 2006!

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Ch. N. Quotes

Ok, I've been saying time and again that CN quotes are stupid - that I cannot stand them - in fact refuse to hear them because of their stupidity... Well, I just went to a site with some CN quotes and some of them ARE funny.
Things the internet will do to you..