Recommendation request - The candy of the vacation!
You may recall, if you have been an avid blog reader, that every vacation that I have requires that I have a special candy of the vacation - to be eaten frequently during that vacation.
Last vacation, my candy of choice was Saltwater taffy. (before that it was redhots, and again before that was lifesavers)
With my up and coming vacation (after one more day + an additional 3 on call days), time is running out to determine what will be the candy of this pending vacation.
So far, I've come up with the following ideas:
Sour worms (like sour patch kids, but like gummy worms)
Licorice flavored jelly beans..
Help me come up with some more ideas?
Beer is not candy! How about Pepperminty Schnapps? Oh, wait! On second thought, how about, Mentos Mighty Tasty Mints!
Good idea Pepino! Hmm, what veggie is portable and non-perishable?
Ohh, I have an idea! Wasabi peas -they are dried out :)
Japanese Mushroom cookies!
Get 'em at the Asian Grocery next to Sam's Club on Erie Blvd. Yum!
Gummy Tarantulas! Awwwwwww...
Ewww EWww! Ewww.
We are *totally* not getting those!
How about those wax bottles with the juice inside, totally yummy!?? Huh huh?
I can do gummy worms, but not gummy tarantulas! Do you know that gummy tarantulas are really scary looking?!
Of course, remember, you are talking to a girl who eats calamari, sushi, and wasabi by the forkful - I'm rumble tough - You can't scare me! :-p
Those tasty squids do kind of look like spiders - I can deal!
Chocolate melts!
Of course, ice cream (with CHOCOLATE Fudge) at some point is definetely happening!
Candy of the vacation = carmel chewy variety pack.
Including the ever famous favorite:
Bit 'O Honey (oooooohh, that's sooo sweet!)
Candy Devoured by Peach in > 1 evening.
Actually this was second to what I really wanted - you know those little wax bottles with the juice inside? After searching several stores, I was unable to find them! Guess they'll have to be for another time...
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