Well, then. This is FOR YOU. To have ;)

Monday, October 24, 2005

I'll remember not to do that again!

So, you may have noticed that I've been delaying in posting anything of substance, and that's really because I feel I was such a clutz a couple weeks back and didn't want to complain too much about it, but I'm feeling better now so maybe it won't be as bad (I actually went to the gym tonight - ohh, and I do love this time of year - preparing for skiing & snowshoeing & shovelling [oh no - not really looking forward to that, but you know what I mean, right?]) - sooo... I can tell you the story if you like...

2nd weekend of October I went with Blazer to his Aunt & Uncle's 25th Wedding Anniversary near his folks' house at Burnt Hills - it was a lovely event I must say, where I had the opportunity to meet and talk with some really great people.

It would have been better, for me at least... you see - the only problem was the morning before where I decided that I would try to hang from his parent's porch - you know, like you would on monkey bars or something. Well, it didn't go like I planned - at all. In fact - it resulted in the most pain that I have felt in a while - perhaps the most physical pain that I have ever felt.

I tried to jump up and grab the porch rafter, my hands slid, and I fell directly on my rear, brusing my tailbone, I think. If I was trying to be rumble tough - this resulted in the exact opposite behavior. What a whimp I am! Instead, I curled into a ball.

With all of the stuff I do - this is how I get hurt?! Amazing!
But hey, I don't know if any of you have ever done this to the extreme that I did, but it is truly awful - I was thankful to still be able to attend the party. Blazer's mom made sure that I had enough wine at dinner to dull the pain and to keep me smiling big - in EVERY photograph. His family is a fun loving group! They even adopted the waiter - Denis. I felt pretty comfortable - odd for me because I'm normally a pretty shy person - especially in large groups where I don't know anyone!

Side note - that weekend we watched - i, ROBOT - a definite must see movie if you haven't seen it. Will Smith plays a great role - someone who has a hate / need for the robot technology of the world. Very interesting!


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