Productive weekend
Both yesterday and today have been very busy work at home days.
Yesterday my dad and brother came over to help me install 4 basement windows - we knocked out the old ones secured pressure treated boards to the bottom sills and put the windows in with a level - screwed the windows in and used some shims and then caulked around all of the edges. I've yet to insulate them with "Good Stuff" - but the majority is done.
We talked a lot too - and had a bbq - that was fun.
Oh, and my dad got that tree off of my house - he cut it in just the right places so it would come down without damaging things further and chopped into pieces that I could carry. Thank goodness that I live close to my family. There is no way that I would consider using a chainsaw - especially not having done it before.
So, today I picked up all of the pieces of wood and lugged them back to the woods behind my house and stacked the fireplace sized ones near my fence - what a chore. Had to be done though, I figure - and now it is.
Fall Fall Fall - so you may recall that I was going to turn my furnace on - well, I tried doing that. Turns out that it's just not working right now. Doesn't sound like the igniter is working - so it just doesn't kick on. That's fine - the furnace is 25 years old - maybe I need a new one. The renovators who sold me the house did not think to replace it.
I was going to wait, but it's necessary to have heat in the CNY Winter, so I called the furnace repairman today and he's coming on Wednesday evening. Tada.
And on that note - I'm going to go elsewhere. I've been working on C++ for a long while today and I think I need to sleep on this one.
Goodnight, folks. Cheers.
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