Well, then. This is FOR YOU. To have ;)

Monday, April 03, 2006

80s day postponed & visions of cappuccino

So, I guess 80s day is postponed (because I took a very lovely, beautiful, couldn't have asked for better Friday off last week and they pushed it to another day *sorry*) - then, we were going to do it on good Friday, but Pepino is going to take that day off so we are doing it the Thursday prior (13th). I guess some people get that day off by default, not us this year, but I think we can take it as a floater or something - ANYWAY - I'm not planning on it. I do plan to participate in the 80s day though, just have to figure out what I want to do for that.

It was SO nice this weekend. Couldn't have asked for better weather nor a more wonderful time. This weekend was great - I actually unplugged over the weekend. No e-mail, no IM. It felt very good to do that. I can't wait to do that some more when I take some trips up to the Adirondack region this year. It's going to be such a good summer. I just have to plan to stay on the mountain (meaning not falling off it and getting hurt in some way) - this may mean that I will not cliff jump this year, even though I did it last year. It's crazy but it seems like I realize now what I did last summer and what a huge risk that was - jumping 50 feet from a cliff. I really want to go on vacation after this Christmas with everyone and I can't let getting hurt get in the way of my goal.

Oh my, not typical of me, right?

Anyway, I'm very much looking forward to going home and having a cappuccino! Ahhh, this is the life - keep with it and handle what comes your way (including the abundance of homework that I also have to tackle tonight!)


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