Well, then. This is FOR YOU. To have ;)

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Another Paper !! NO

So, last night I am sitting in my livingroom relaxing and I hear this noise outside and my outside light goes on! I carefully run to the window and when I do not see anyone outside of it I swiftly close it.
I check my yard for any movement (who could be outside?)... and then sit silently listening. After a few minutes, I realize that it must have been my imagination and decide to go to bed.

This morning I found a paper in my mailbox. Blast! I was visited by the Post-Standard men in the middle of the night!
Good thing Pepino needs these papers...I still haven't read through all of Sunday's!

There is no way that I'm signing up for this full time - the Post-Standard can just forget it.


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