Well, then. This is FOR YOU. To have ;)

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Funny stuff

Today my sister and I went to the park - I rollerbladed & she rode her bike. We were sitting down having a snack break when we saw this guy riding by on his bicycle.
He would get going really fast pedaling, then stand up on the petals and do a full body "groove". It was funny because this guy did not look weird otherwise and he didn't seem to have headphones on...
We were watching him and my sister said the funniest thing (well, I thought so) - "Hey - that guy is crazier than you!"
Hahahah - I said, "I'm not crazy, am I?" & she said, Yah, a little!"


Oh, and I let her try on my rollerblades (she's never been on rollerblades before) - what an experience that was!
Not even close to when I took her swimming where she could barely touch for her first time though - that was much more dramatic, heh.



At 10:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's the crazy ones that have the best pills...


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