Well, then. This is FOR YOU. To have ;)

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Don't drink the water?!

So, this morning I downed a glass of tap water, took a shower, and downed another glass of water before going to work. Then, on the way to work I heard on the radio that there might be a higher level of bacteria in the water in Syracuse and the surrounding areas. (Dewitt, Fayetteville)
However, they did say that it probably won't be bad for people unless you have a weak immune system.

So even though I'm not running to the doctor's office it was GREAT to hear that after just drinking 2 huge glasses of water! Both the cats and I are drinking bottled water until I hear otherwise.

I've been thinking about getting one of those water filters anyway, and I saw a Pur (sp?) one at K-mart tonight. I don't know if I can even trust the water now after it's been through a filter though, scary!

It'd be interesting to find out what people think about the Pur water filters. I'm seriously considering something like that because I drink a LOT of water.


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