More toothy METAL and more snow!
So, after I got my tooth filled the other day it was all painful and kind of sharp so I went back to the dentist - TWICE. I had my teeth drilled TWICE... (this was not stolen from Art Brut, no accusations - I was really drilled 3 times, just 2 times when I was numb!)
Anyway, so I was having a discussion just now about metal spoons. Now that I have more metal in my mouth it is possible that a magnetized spoon will have more effect on my teeth, should I find one. Right? I was asked where one might find one of these magnetized spoons, and I imagine you could find one in your kitchen drawer.
Has anyone ever been affected by an a magnetized spoon?
Looks like tomorrow might be a good day for snowshoeing if this weather keeps up.
C'mon guys we're talking MAGNETIC SPOONS here! The kind that pull fillings out of your teeth!
This was one of the all time great Marsha moments and you all missed it!
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