Well, then. This is FOR YOU. To have ;)

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Looks like it's warming up!

I might be able to lay that mulch today!

I was actually in the running with Ron last week - I beat him by mowing the lawn after it rained, lol. The lawn mower kept on stalling from being so clogged, but it was worth it, plus I found a way to resolve the issue (pick the mower up to allow the grass to unclog after EVERY row -trickytricky). Fun stuff!!

So, Monday night I went to my favorite store - Home Depot! I bought four bags of mulch - after catapulting them into the shopping cart (must have been a funny sight - this one older woman was watching the entire process [oh dear!]) and some more paint and brushes for my livingroom.
I plan to finish up some stuff around my house on the week that I have off (woohoo - second week in June!)

Unfortunately, yesterday was all cold and rainy - so I just ended up spending some time inside baking and cleaning (noooo laughing now - I watched CAT Woman too, ya, the one with Halle Berry). I really want to put the mulch out - it makes the front yard look nice. I have to extend the mulch to cover the ground near my new rose bush!

Mmmmm, I think I am almost due for a Cappuccino quest!


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