Well, then. This is FOR YOU. To have ;)

Saturday, December 27, 2008


Mike and I were planning on going to Highland Forest today to go Cross Country Skiiing. Well, it decided to get extremely warm - a balmy 36 degrees - so, it's raining. Not exactly good for skiing across snow. We might be able to slide down in the slush or something.

We'll see - I'm going to check a few sites online. Sometimes we can travel up north a bit and it will be perfect. I actually do not mind it being a little warmer - I won't go out if it is below 15 degrees.

I have raynaud's, a condition where the blood vessels in my hands and feet constrict not allowing blood to the fingers and toes. I have to be really careful making sure that I have hand warmers and toe warmers available during all winter activities - or fall or spring or cold night activities for that matter. Heck - sometimes I even have a problem inside my house when walking on the cold floor or opening the refridgerator. What a pain it is really...

Anyway - yea, were planning to do some outdoor activity. Should be fun.

Sameul is sitting next to me right now and I can tell that he wants to play with his tough toy frisbee because he is using it for a pillow. A minute ago he was pushing it into my lap as to say "Will you throw this please?" or "Just try and get this toy from me" - I threw it to him a couple of times.

I'm listening to pandora right now. You ever do that? It's streaming so not good to do at work necessarily but it's pretty cool for home. So - go to the site - make your own radio based on an artist that you like. I typed in "Moby" - now I'm listening to "Moby radio". Basically you get to hear a lot of different music in the same genre.

Last night Mike and I went to Santangelo's on Old Liverpool road. I was so full afterwards. Good Italian food.

Oh - and thank goodness the holidays are almost over.. there is always a couple of weeks before Christmas where I am always thinking about the proper thing to do in regards to gifts. I want to make sure that everyone is happy but then eventually I realize that the whole worry process is silly because most of my family would be happy no matter what I get them. I give that advice to other people. My brother called me at work on Christmas Eve - "What would mom like better - silver or gold jewelry?" - I told him either way would probably be fine but that I know she wears a gold ring but I had gotten her a silver necklace. He ended up getting her a watch that had both gold and silver on it. That works.

Brrrr - it's freezing in here. I bet it's 70 according to the thermostat though. It seems like this house is just cold sometimes.

Anyway - I hope that everyone had a really good holiday. I'm looking forward to New Years.

Thank you to the Anonymous Snowboarder for blogging inspiration - however, who are you?


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