Times Change...
Last night I started going through my stuff to see what there is that I can get rid of - I think I am having a garage sale tomorrow.
First, I started going through my computer stuff - I just don't think I need it all - at the same time I hate to see the stuff go. I like to save stuff - useful stuff, or stuff that could be useful - and I tend to save it even more if it has value - I mean, for example, I had an extra old computer that I put together just incase someone needed one. It wouldn't do much more than let you browse the web, but hey - useful, right?
When I moved here I gave away computers that I was able to put together from old stuff. I have a really old single picture scanner that someone gave me - just some useful and not so useful stuff - the thing is that there is newer stuff that I probably would rather use (faster, etc) and the truth is I probably will never use this stuff again anyway.
So, now it's time to move on to the rest of the house.
I took pictures of everything tonight and it's oddly saddening to me. I'm very excited to move, but I'm going to miss this place for sure. I worked really hard on this house and I am realizing that I made it home over the last couple of years.
Hopefully the pictures will help me remember the wonderful, tough, and some times fun & crazy! times I've had here with friends and family.
I'm going to take a break in a bit...
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