Well, then. This is FOR YOU. To have ;)

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Good news - Glenn deserves a present

So, this morning things were still not resolved with the furnace - the furnace man and inspector were still on the outs and were supposed to talk. I received a call from Glenn this morning - he said that sometimes the sensors are inaccurate and he was sticking to his guns. He told me again that it didn't need to be replaced and that it was fine / safe everything. Well, I said, I might still have to replace it. I don't know these guys are saying there is an issue and if it is a health concern it needs to be fixed. I might be calling you back for an estimate.

So, in frustration I went online to verify how accurate these gas testers are - they are very prone to errors, pretty much everything that Glenn had told me just the day before was printed there in black and white.

Thank goodness for blogs - this one guy was saying that he called his gas service company to come look at his furnace and test it. *Ding!* Well, I thought I'd give it a shot - I called up National Grid. Hello, I was wondering if you can test for dangerous gas coming out of the furnace and if there will be a charge. No charge - we'll be there this morning. NYMO tested the furnace - reported no problem and gave me a note.

The people have just ok'd the order today, as is... wonderful!

Just so I feel better though - wouldn't want to harm anyone and even though they tested it 2x - I'm leaving both carbon monoxide detectors and putting new batteries in.

What a relief. Let's finalize this folks!


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