Well, then. This is FOR YOU. To have ;)

Friday, April 28, 2006

Preparing for a baby shower & other randomness

So, last night I went to Walmart to look for a gift for my friend who is having her Baby Shower this Saturday. She had one of those gift registry things at Walmart - which is great btw - it takes the guessing out of what she might need, you just go buy something on the list.
I picked out a really nice gift (won't post what it is here - I don't think she reads my blog, but who knows - isn't everyone on the internet these days?) but it's really nice (I even got it with a nice container, go figure :) - they didn't have any more at one store so I had to go to another Walmart all together. Did I mention that going into Walmart is like entering a shopping center the size of a small world?

I had to go all out of course and buy super cute wrapping paper with little hands on it and a little tag with little feet on it. She's having a baby girl!!! I attached some little crocheted sandals that I made (all of that time learning to sew with grandma did not go to waste) - I can't believe how excited I am for her. This will be the first of my girl friends who I've known, seems like forever, that will be having a child of her own!! I can't even imagine. She's really excited and happy.

The last time I saw her was her wedding day!

I have to go over to my stepmother's house tonight and give her a birthday gift also, and too - it's one of my very good friend's birthday celebrations this weekend, so it should be very full!

Oh, and totally unrelated - I don't know if I wrote it here, but last year by chance I was given the opportunity to "rent" a Jeep Wrangler for a week. It was the most awesome summer car ever and I am considering looking at some prices. Anyone know of a reason that I should not even test drive or take 2 looks at one of these cars? I am also considering some other (perhaps more practical, but does that really matter?) cars like the midsize suv type - but not jeep liberty b/c someone told me that they had really bad luck with repair costs on that. :) oh well, now that I've rambled on...

Have a great weekend everyone!

Preparing for a baby shower & other randomness

So, last night I went to Walmart to look for a gift for my friend who is having her Baby Shower this Saturday. She had one of those gift registry things at Walmart - which is great btw - it takes the guessing out of what she might need, you just go buy something on the list.
I picked out a really nice gift (won't post what it is here - I don't think she reads my blog, but who knows - isn't everyone on the internet these days?) but it's really nice (I even got it with a nice container, go figure :) - they didn't have any more at one store so I had to go to another Walmart all together. Did I mention that going into Walmart is like entering a shopping center the size of a small world?

I had to go all out of course and buy super cute wrapping paper with little hands on it and a little tag with little feet on it. She's having a baby girl!!! I attached some little crocheted sandals that I made (all of that time learning to sew with grandma did not go to waste) - I can't believe how excited I am for her. This will be the first of my girl friends who I've known, seems like forever, that will be having a child of her own!! I can't even imagine. She's really excited and happy.

The last time I saw her was her wedding day!

I have to go over to my stepmother's house tonight and give her a birthday gift also, and too - it's one of my very good friend's birthday celebrations this weekend, so it should be very full!

Oh, and totally unrelated - I don't know if I wrote it here, but last year by chance I was given the opportunity to "rent" a Jeep Wrangler for a week. It was the most awesome summer car ever and I am considering looking at some prices. Anyone know of a reason that I should not even test drive or take 2 looks at one of these cars? I am also considering some other (perhaps more practical, but does that really matter?) cars like the midsize suv type - but not jeep liberty b/c someone told me that they had really bad luck with repair costs on that. :) oh well, now that I've rambled on...

Have a great weekend everyone!

Thursday, April 27, 2006


Just so you know - Poptarts are a good source of 7 vitamins & minerals!

The supermarket should offer Celestial Seasonings Christmas flavored teas all year long - Candy Apple flavor (Tea for kids *and used to be kids*), Sugar Plum Spice... I'm all out now!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Sample Laundry Detergent

So, this morning I got up a little early and was doing some laundry. A few weeks ago, I received this laundry detergent sample in the mail - Wisk, I don't know, it's fruity smelling, kind of smells like mangos and peaches.
So, I'm washing my clothes with this sample and my entire house smells like fruit. I think I must have had the some of the same sensations that James had inside of the giant peach the smell was so intense. I'm not sure laundry is supposed to smell so much like a mango - if there were any bees around I know they would have been a bit confused...

If I choose to buy some of this detergent that I will need to stay far away from the Adirondacks in May or I will be attacked by a million little black flies in less than 1 second!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Mozilla vunerabilities - Cert.org

Upgrade to Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla Thunderbird, or SeaMonkey 1.0.1. According to Mozilla.org, Thunderbird is to be released on April 18, 2006.

Another sunny morning

Well, it's another sunny morning in Syracuse :) and it's supposed to be 65 today.
**It's in the 80s in Jamaica! **

Went to the gym this morning to work out for the first time in a few days - I actually went yesterday too, but didn't have a lot of time - just went swimming for like 10 minutes and then got out of the pool.
For some reason I was having trouble breathing while doing the crawl, I think I was just not getting my head up out of the water enough - don't know. I'll have to practice that.

I have class tonight and will get the results of my midterm I took last week. It's so tough to take classes when it starts to get warmer out. All I want to do in the summer is get outside! Really what I have to do though is concentrate on the work, get it done and then go out when I don't have to be thinking about it all of the time. Seriously, I only have a few classes left and then I'll be done with this program. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!

Maybe I'll take some light science course this summer, not the accounting crazyiness of the summer two years ago.

Last night I went over to the rescue mission trailer at Wegmans and dropped off some clothes and bags that I've been meaning to donate. Felt good to actually get that stuff out of my house!!

This weekend I am going rock climbing for the first time ever! I cannot wait! The only thing I am thinking about is that my arms are probably not very strong anymore - I mean, I really haven't been lifting anything too heavy lately. I'll probably be stuck on the wall and not able to move up any higher. - - eh, on second thought... just give me some cappuccino power and I'll be fine. Got some new flavor last night - cinnamon creme something from Price Chopper. I can't wait to try it - it smells divine. It's a lovely car air freshener.

I hope it rains tonight so I don't think about all of the things I could be doing rather than sitting in class!

Hope everyone had a good easter!

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Cappuccino rules

I just have to say - cappuccino rules!

*from dictionary.com*
In Italian cappuccino went on to develop another sense, “espresso coffee mixed or topped with steamed milk or cream,” so called because the color of the coffee resembled the color of the habit of a Capuchin friar. The first use of cappuccino in English is recorded in 1948.

My drink looks like a Capuchin friar outfit.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Look how beautiful it is outside! I want to go to the parkway!

Monday, April 10, 2006

Airport Trip

Today I was taking Mr. Furious to the airport to pick up his rental car when we stopped at a light behind this pickup truck with no tailgate on it. The license plate on this truck said "Hog Luvr" - I couldn't stop myself from laughing, there is no way I would have that on my license plate!
There are so many possibilities of what that *could* mean.
I didn't actually consider what it PROBABLY meant until Mr. Furious mentioned it :) hahaha

Thursday, April 06, 2006


mas que mau gosto!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Internet Jokes

This joke is crazy:
Lasik Surgery At Home

There is no recovery / safety steps!!! What is wrong with this picture? It's got to be an April Fools joke!

How disturbing. The guy is closing the door so he is not disturbed by the dog. Not as bad as the Klaus video though... Anyway, Oww!

Tuesday, April 04, 2006


So, I was late to class again and had to park in the lot that is really far away. I'm so jealous that everyone who gets there on time gets to park in the closer lot which is a lot warmer to walk to on nights like this! My fingers are still thawing out, literally. I always end up staying late at work on Tuesdays!

In class tonight, I worked for like 3 hours in class on a project and then when doing a final save, lost like half of it! The program was haunting me after the crash - "recover from last autosave?" - Yes, yes! of course! but no, the last autosave was not auto, it was the last manual save by me of course. Oh well. I'll have another opportunity to work on it this week I'm sure. Darn lack of virtual memory.
Drawing UML diagrams is not so bad, depending on the day!

I should be just thankful that the pager did not go off during class today.

I've been going to the gym every morning on weekdays (only skipped last Friday) but I don't think I'm going tomorrow. I'll go on Thursday!

PS, on a semi-related note - learned to bake single serve microwave brownie - good & bad at the same time.

Monday, April 03, 2006


Peaches: 0
Spoiled Milk: 1

80s day postponed & visions of cappuccino

So, I guess 80s day is postponed (because I took a very lovely, beautiful, couldn't have asked for better Friday off last week and they pushed it to another day *sorry*) - then, we were going to do it on good Friday, but Pepino is going to take that day off so we are doing it the Thursday prior (13th). I guess some people get that day off by default, not us this year, but I think we can take it as a floater or something - ANYWAY - I'm not planning on it. I do plan to participate in the 80s day though, just have to figure out what I want to do for that.

It was SO nice this weekend. Couldn't have asked for better weather nor a more wonderful time. This weekend was great - I actually unplugged over the weekend. No e-mail, no IM. It felt very good to do that. I can't wait to do that some more when I take some trips up to the Adirondack region this year. It's going to be such a good summer. I just have to plan to stay on the mountain (meaning not falling off it and getting hurt in some way) - this may mean that I will not cliff jump this year, even though I did it last year. It's crazy but it seems like I realize now what I did last summer and what a huge risk that was - jumping 50 feet from a cliff. I really want to go on vacation after this Christmas with everyone and I can't let getting hurt get in the way of my goal.

Oh my, not typical of me, right?

Anyway, I'm very much looking forward to going home and having a cappuccino! Ahhh, this is the life - keep with it and handle what comes your way (including the abundance of homework that I also have to tackle tonight!)